Sunday, September 30, 2012

Martin Luther King Jr.'s speech "I Have a Dream" Lesson Plan

The above video is the full speech given by Martin Luther King Jr.

LAUSD Teachers: The second video above is a shorter version that includes the section of his speech that is in the 9th grade Prentice-Hall anthology. You can assign this for home viewing, because it cannot be opened in the classroom due to LAUSD filtering. Just have students google "VeniceHighBuzz" and they should be able to easily find this page.

To view the Youtube videos in the classroom,  I have included links below, which should lead you to the LAUSD sign in and show allow you to view it in the classroom. To view it without pausing problems, click on "low quality" once you open the video.

Link to Part 2/2 of MLK Jr.'s speech, which includes the section of his speech in Prentice-Hall.

  Link to Full Speech on Youtube