Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Persuasive Essays by Ms. Zubiri's Period 5 English class - December 2010

                                          Why Is Headgear an Issue at Venice High?
                                                                By Edgar Gutierrez

        Wearing hats, beanies, or any type of headgear shouldn’t be an issue at Venice High School. Staff assumes that hats are gang-related, but not all students are related to gangs. Just because a student wears a specific hat doesn’t mean they are in a gang.
    People believe this issue relates to gangs for the reason that members wear these type of  caps. It’s true that certain gangs do wear certain hats, but it’s not right to judge a person by the way they dress. Most of the students at Venice High don’t like the fact they get their hats taken away and are made to bring their parents to pick up the hat. In the winter season many students get cold and decide to wear beanies. Same with the summer, many students wear baseball caps for prevent sun burns. Staff should be less strict about this hat issue and more strict on other problems like drugs, alcohol, bullying, and violence.
    Most of Venice High School fights are started by gangs not by hats. Wearing hats or any headwear doesn’t mean you gang-related. This rule should change and only be applied to those that are gang-related. Many students would agree on banning this rule, but its up to the school board, and district.

                                             More Students Should Graduate from High School
                                                                By Yadira Castaneda
                               The Los Angeles Unified School District should make sure that more students are graduating from high school.
Some schools like Venice High School look bad because of their low attendance and graduation rates. Students are not graduating from high school because they don't do any work or ditch school. We need more people to become doctors, therapists, or architects in the future. We have people in this state complaining about having no jobs and it's because they don't have an education. And that's why we don't have as many people get jobs that pay well.

                               Los Angeles Unified School District should have security actually watching the cameras at school. This will help to know if students are just skipping class and walking around the school. For students to learn their lesson, they should get kicked out of school and start working or get sent to the army. The law should be changed because why have students coming to school when they really don't care and all they want to do is get in trouble and play around. That's wasting teachers' time because they work hard to come and teach students that actually want to learn. That way students will think twice about getting their education and graduating from high school. People might disagree and say that this idea about kicking out students is going to be harmful for their children but it is the only way that the LAUSD might get students to think about whether that's what they want in their life.

                              In the future, maybe the solution will work because it might get students to think that they do not want to go into the army and be away from their parents. Students would want to go to school and get  their education to reach their goal.

                            Teenage Girls Shouldn't Have Abortions
                                             By Michelle Maldonado
     Teenage girls who get pregnant sometimes decide to have abortions. They shouldn't have abortions. Teenagers don`t see the bad choices that they're making. The moms are killing the baby`s life by not having it. Many teenagers get pregnant and first thing they decide or want to do is get an abortion. Why don`t they just give it up for adoption instead of aborting it?
    Some  people may say that girls get pregnant by accident so they should be allowed to abort. What they mean is either they got raped or just had unprotected sex. It`s still bad even if it was an accident. It's not the baby`s fault . It`s the girls fault for not taking birth control or make her partner use a condom. Some teenagers have sex while they`re drunk or sometimes when they`re on some type of drug. Sometimes they end up getting pregnant for not making the right choice. Girls also get abortions either because they don`t have money to raise the baby, or sometimes because their boyfriend leave them with the baby and don`t want anything to do with the girl or the baby. Another reason is because they are too young and just want to be a normal teenager and go out with friends and just have fun.
    If teen girls don't want to have a baby at a young age, they probably shouldn`t have sex. They should just wait until they`re old enough and ready to raise the baby and themselves. They should start being careful if they have sex. It`s better for them to just give it up for adoption or just think about it before they go and abort the baby. Abortion isn`t really the right choice. The best way for a teenager or a mother to not  get pregnant is to not have sex.

                                                        Kids Shouldn’t Have To Go To School!
                                                                    By  Lorenzo Lopez          
    Students shouldn’t come to school if they don't want to. What’s the point of making the students come if they don’t want to? What’s the point of making the students come if they don’t want to do any work or listen to the teacher? If anything, parents should let them do whatever they want.
    If students don’t go to school, they can just stay home or go to the park or something like that. It’s good they don't go to school if they don't want to, because students who want to learn can learn everything that the teachers teach, teachers don’t have to send kids to the dean’s office or kick them out of class and waste the teachers time and classrooms can be smaller with less students. But it can be bad for kids who don’t go to school, for their future because they can’t get a good job without an education and they can’t support their family. The kids who didn't go to school might not get a good job and not make enough money to pay for the rent or pay the bills, and then they might want to go to night school or something.

                                                 We Need to Act on Global Warming!
                                                                    By Giovanni DeLuis
    Factories cause a lot of global warming. Global warming will cause the earth's ozone layer to disappear which prevents the sun from harming us more. If global warming deosn't  stop  or at least slow down, the ozone layer will be gone and the sun could burn the earth, or it could get so hot that nothing will be able to survive! Big factories should not be made because this is one major cause of pollution. The government schould not allow really big factories made but less big factories.
    The sun before was not so hot as the sun today because the sun today is more like being up close to a fire. You feel sun'sthe heat hit you. So far each year, we beat the temperature heat. If you go and see a big factory,  all that black smoke you see coming out of the pipe that's what causes the ozone to disapear, and there are tons of big factories all over the globe.
    What big company factories schould do is make their factories smaller to cause less pollution. Then instead of building another factory they should build a place to recycle all kinds of things. This will help cause less pollution and will hire many new people. Or if not, they could build a recycling  place along with their big factory.


                            They shouldn’t allow graffiti at school                           
                                         By Marlene Cisneros

    They shouldn’t allow graffiti at school. The people would stop the graffiti if they
would install cameras everywhere, because they would be scared to get caught.
The people should put the cameras like up on the wall, like how they have it in
stores, but everywhere. They should put it in corners of each building. Then should
put them where the students could see them. But some people might not even care that
the cameras are everywhere. They’ll do it anyways even though they’ll be on the cameras.
Some people aren’t scared of getting caught.
    Security should spend more time looking at the school cameras instead of just
walking around. That’s how there would be less graffiti on the wall and the school
wouldn’t look ugly with all the graffiti. Once they get caught once on the cameras and
got a ticket for the graffiti, I’m pretty sure the graffiti artist won’t do it again because they
wouldn’t want another ticket.
                                            Students shouldn't litter on Campus
                                                        by Freddy Atrian

    Students shouldn't litter because it makes the school dirty. When students litter the campus looks disgusting and it will not look great for our school reputation .

    Students shouldn't litter because the school will look horrible for visitors that want their children to come to our school. This is important  because the parents that want their children to come to this school would not recomend this school to other parents. The parents will just tell the other parents to go look for another school.

    Students shouldn't litter because the janitor's job is not to clean up the food, paper and other trash from the ground. Their job is to maintain the classes clean and to throw out the trash. The problem with students not throwing away their trash is that it pollutes the air and it damages the earth and I love my earth!
                                    No Graffiti in School
                                            Edwin Fernandez

    They should not allowed Graffiti in the School districts because
Graffiti is an issue. If student tag or write on the walls the it’s
Going to look horrible and a disaster. That’s why the school or the security should  stop  it  from  happening.                                                                                       
    If  the  student  gets  caught  by  the  security  the  first thing  they should
do  is call their  parents  and  let  them  know  what  they  did  in school.
The students   should all so attend detention during school or after school.
They should all so help the janitor in the bathroom by cleaning the writing
on the wall because they were the ones that were writing not the janitors.
    If the student gets caught again for the second time the dean’s office
 should suspend the student. They should all so give the student 10 hour of
  community service inside the school district and have a series talk with the
                                                    Education is important
                                                           Marilyn Lopez
                 Education is important students should not ditch, instead they should be present. It is the law for students to go to school every day. Students can attend school. For some students it will be difficult to attend school because they might sleep late, and not wake up the next day, Students should go to school because they could get paid more when they are prepared and looking for a job. Why because students wouldn't want to get paid the minimum wage a day. For many work breaking their heads. Getting treated bad by their bosses, instead of being their own boss.

                     In life, school is very important why because you can't get a job if you don't have a high school diploma you would not get a job that easily. If students study more, and succeed in life maybe then they will get to college and get paid more.

                    It's really important for students to go to school because they need to learn, and everyday they learn something new. They should attend almost every day. Not even at McDonald's can you work without a high school diploma. Life will be hard without an education.

                   Getting an education can be hard. Because students think they can manage themselves and not go to school. That is why students should concentrate more in school and stop ditching. Pick Your Own Classes for High School
                                        Students Should Pick Their Own Classes
                                                        By Christian Covarrubias

        District Officials should students allow students to choose their own classes. They should be taking classes that they really need in their lives. Like driving classes or auto mechanics so if their car breaks down they would know how to fix it. Not boring classes like history, science. Most teens don’t really need classes like that. The classes that should be assigned are math, English, and elective classes.
        What students really need to take for classes would be classes that they would enjoy and would interested in taking. In my opinion, I would like to take auto mechanics once more, like I did in 9th grade. Another class that I would love to take and if they hire a teacher that would teach Brazilian jujitsu.
    It’s the same classes for every student in a high school. I would love it if my kids in the future could to take different classes. For example, like the President Obama said ‘it’s time for a change.’ I would hope someday the district officials would change the class requirements for once in their life, so high school students would have the chance to choose their own classes.
    High school rates of drop-out students are going down because. of their classes that they get. And they believe that it’s too difficult or they just think that the classes that there consular wasn’t right for them. So when a student in high school

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